Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Relief Society

To start my creative expose I am showing off my cake that I made for the Relief Society Birthday. It is not my best cake but all things considering---I think it turned out pretty good. Of course anything with pretty flowers looks good.


Allie said...

You amaze me. What don't you do? I want to see some sewing projects!

johnson hq said...

It's not your best?? I'd be in heaven if I could do something that good! By the way, where did you get your blog skin/template?

loven it! said...

fun! the cake is beautiful! i LOVE the flowers. i have a hard time with the idea of eating a cake that took so much time to make.

Rindee said...

I guess I should retire as a floral designer. Your work goes to show that either you have it, or you don't. Who needs a degree??

I love the colors you chose.

Jen Wolff said...

So, will you be for hire??? Gorgeous cake!!!!!

ashley said...

just had to comment-- love the cake! ya, what don't you do?! Love the vintage oreos header! Maybe some of your talent can rub off on me...

emily said...

Beautiful and YUM! You are amazing!

Tyson,Brandy,Chanel, Crew said...

This isn't your best cake?! I love it!! You did a great job!

Kraucyk said...

Um... where's my picture?

Unknown said...

I like the swirly things on the sides.

cally said...


i wanna.