Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some of my Favorites

I love these. I seriously can't get enough of these 2 pocket diaper & wipee pouches. Well let's be honest anything I can bling up I love! Since they are really for the mom and not the baby (haha) it is okay to add a few rhinestones. . .right?

Leigh this is the fabric they sent me instead of the one you ordered. . . you sure you don't want your little boy's crib set out of blue, green and brown flowers? J/K

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My New Baby

I have a new baby.

I seriously love it! As much as you can love a machine. I am so grateful to have this sewing machine. I still can't believe I have it. I am so much more excited about sewing. It is fun again. I feel so blessed to have an amazing sewing machine to create with. Although the sewing machine is a little overwhelming to me. Even the bobbin is different then what I am used to. It has a little spring thing off it. I need to take a class. It does all sorts of things that I never thought to do or know how to do. I can't wait to learn all about it. It came with a manual that is seriously a novel!!! So wish me luck on learning how to use this baby. :) Of course I will show you all the cool things I make with it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby Girl

Blanket from last week. I love the champagne color on the fabric. It is so pretty and perfect for a little girly girl.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

One more skirt

So Cambryn and I went a little crazy at the fabric store. But little girls are so fun. The best is she really has great taste. We had a hard time picking out material for just one skirt. I had been to the store earlier that day I couldn't decide. I thought I would bring her later that day to pick out her own. She went straight for the ones I had picked out earlier without me telling her and then picked out one more. I didn't want to stifle her creativity so of course I got all of them. But seriously they take me less then an hour to make and only cost $8 . I got tanks from Wal Mart for $3 and used the scraps to make yo-yo flowers for embellishments. If I get ambitious I might make a matching hair clip.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

For Mandi

Look what I have had in my car waiting for you!!! Maybe I should just mail it to you :) It might get there faster!!!! Luv ya girl.