So Cambryn and I went a little crazy at the fabric store. But little girls are so fun. The best is she really has great taste. We had a hard time picking out material for just one skirt. I had been to the store earlier that day I couldn't decide. I thought I would bring her later that day to pick out her own. She went straight for the ones I had picked out earlier without me telling her and then picked out one more. I didn't want to stifle her creativity so of course I got all of them. But seriously they take me less then an hour to make and only cost $8 . I got tanks from Wal Mart for $3 and used the scraps to make yo-yo flowers for embellishments. If I get ambitious I might make a matching hair clip.
IF you get ambitious?? I'm pretty sure she'll have a hair clip by the end of the day. Another cute creation.
um, for cute-ness!!! wanna make me one? jk!!! :D
of course there will be a matching hair clip!! :o)
way to go! looks great!
hey...what happened to your background??
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